God’s eternal resting place
Published 6:41 pm Friday, May 21, 2010
As sure as we are born, one day we will die a physical death.
In Psalm 90, (a prayer of Moses a man of God) tells us that God’s eternal nature is contrasted with man’s frailty. Our time on earth is limited, and we are to use it wisely, not living for the moment, but with our eternal home in mind.
Moses made this the oldest of the Psalms. Psalms 90:10 tells us that the length of our days is 70 years; 80 if we have the strength.
Realizing life is short helps us to use the little time we have more wisely and for eternal good. We ought to take time to number our days by asking “what do I want to see happen in my life before I die?” Or, “what small step could I take toward that purpose today”?
“Have I made things right with God and my fellow man if God were to call me from this life on today”?
Because our days are numbered, we should want our work to count and to be effective and productive. We must also realize that tomorrow is not promised to us. We do not know what the future has in store for us, but we know who holds the future.
As an ordained minister of the Gospel, I have preached many funerals, including one of my younger brothers, Daniel, two years ago. That was the most difficult task I have had to do. I preached on the eternal resting place.
In doing so, I had to remind myself, my family, friends and classmates that God has an eternal resting place and that is Heaven. Even after attending my baby brother’s funeral, Abraham, back in 1977, the pastor preached about God’s eternal resting place.
In the New Testament, the 14th Chapter of St. John tells us about God’s eternal resting place for his followers.
The Bible tells us about this resting place for eternity. Jesus’ words show that the way to eternal life, though unseen, is secure as your trust in Jesus. He has already prepared the way to eternal life.
The only issue that may still be unsettled is our willingness to believe. Jesus tell us in those verses, “I am going away to prepare a place for you. And I will come back and receive you unto myself, that where I am, you will be also.”
How can we know the way to God?
The answer is only through Jesus Christ. Jesus is the way because he is both God and he came down in the form of man. When we unite our lives with His, we are uniting with God. We must trust Jesus to take us to the Father, and all the benefits of being God’s children will be ours.
Jesus says He is the only way to God the Father.
Some might say or argue that the way is too narrow. In reality, it is wide enough for the whole world, if the world chooses to accept it.
Instead of worrying about how limited it sounds to have only one way, we should be saying, “Thank You God for providing a sure way to get to you.”
As the way, Jesus is our pathway to the Father.
As the truth, He is the reality of all God’s promises.
As the life, he joins his divine life to ours both now and eternal.
Jesus is visible, tangible image of the invisible God. He is the complete revelation of what God is like. Jesus explained to Philip, who wanted to see the Father, that to know Jesus is to know the Father.
The search for God, for truth and reality ends in Christ. (Colossians 1:15 & Hebrews 1: 1-4).
Jesus was soon going to leave the disciples, but he would remain with them. How could this be?
The Counselor, the Spirit of God, himself would come after Jesus was gone, to care for and guide the disciples.
The Spirit was poured out on all believers at Pentecost shortly after Jesus ascended to Heaven. The Holy Spirit is the very presence of God within us and all believers. (Acts 2).
The Holy Spirit is a powerful person on our side working for us and within us. It is the power source where all the gifts of Spirit operate.
Jesus says that his followers show their love for him by obeying him. Love is more than lovely words. It is commitment and conduct. If we love Christ, then we are to prove it by obeying what his word tells us.
God has an eternal resting place for his children and he wants only the best for us.
“Dear Father, help us to realize that time you have gone away to prepare a place for us, and you will come back again some day to receive those who have accepted you. Help those who have not accepted you to place their trust in you and accept your perfect gift of Salvation. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”