Roslyn Palmer addresses Rotary Club about upcoming Historic Tours

Published 11:59 am Thursday, September 26, 2024

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Members of the Bainbridge Rotary Club met at the Kirbo Center on Tuesday for their weekly meeting. The guest speaker of the day was Councilwoman and Decatur County Historical Society President Roslyn Palmer. She spoke to the club about the Society’s upcoming Living History Tour, scheduled for this upcoming Monday, September 30, weather permitting.

Palmer explained how these tours will differ from previous years. The most notable change will be that there are now only two tours, scheduled for 5:30 and 6:45 PM, rather than constant tours.

“It was really hard on the actors to do it over and over and over,” Palmer explained.

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The tour will go around downtown Bainbridge and portray the lives of Chester and Ruby Brown, Emory Rich, Andrew Avery, Sr., and Charles Simeon Hodges, before concluding at the courthouse with an “iced water party” on Water Street and tours of the courthouse.