Tuesday, April 24, is deadline to register, change address for voters
Published 4:27 pm Friday, April 20, 2018
Tuesday, April 24, is the deadline to register to vote, change your address or make other updates to your voting registration information prior to the May 22 Primary/Nonpartisan General Election.
It is also the registration deadline for the July 24 Runoff Election.
To check on your voting status and information, please go to My Voter Page.
On My Voter Page, citizens can register to vote, update their address or other information, view their sample ballots, locate their Election Day precinct or Advance Voting locations and hours, complete a form for an absentee ballot, and review the candidates on the ballots.
Voters who mark on their request for an absentee ballot that they are 65 years old or older, or have a disability, will automatically receive a mail-in absentee ballot for this May 22 Primary/Nonpartisan Election, as well as the July 24 Runoff and the Nov. 6 General Election. Please be sure to also mark which ballot you want, such as Democratic, nonpartisan or Republican. Note all nonpartisan races will be on the Democratic and Republican ballots.
Advance voting for the Primary/Nonpartisan Election will begin Monday, April 30. It will last for three weeks.
If you have any questions, please contact the Decatur County Board of Elections at (229) 243-2087, or visit the office at 122 W. Water St.