River walk idea is a good one
Published 1:29 pm Monday, January 10, 2011
The river walk which is part of the City of Bainbridge’s waterfront master plan would make a lasting, welcome addition to the area around the Earle May Boat Basin.
The project, which has an estimated cost of about $400,000, is still in the planning phase and it will be up to members of the Bainbridge City Council to approve spending the money to make it happen. City officials have already applied for a $100,000 grant from the Georgia Department of Natural Resources which could help pay for part of the river walk; other possible grants and money from the voter-approved SPLOST one-cent sales tax would pay for the rest.
Building a river walk that could be used by citizens and visitors alike for exercise, fishing and just admiring the Flint River’s natural beauty is a great idea. A river walk would undoubtedly bring more people to the park and possibly boost tourism. While the local and state economies are still hurting from the recession, a river walk seems like it would be money well spent, considering that it could be used for many years to come and be enjoyed by all.