West Bainbridge FFA celebrates National FFA Week
Published 4:49 pm Tuesday, April 7, 2009
The FFA members at West Bainbridge Middle School recently celebrated National FFA Week and this year’s theme—“Step Up, Stand Out.”
Activities for the week included dress-up days, a food drive, a teacher appreciation breakfast and a FFA fun day.
• Each day during the FFA Week, students dressed up for career day, celebrity day, team spirit day, blue and gold day and tacky day. Prizes were given to those who participated in the dress up days.
• A food drive was held to help Decatur County Farm Bureau collect food for the “Food Check Out” event, and all food goes to the local food bank.
• FFA members also treated the West Bainbridge Middle faculty and staff to a breakfast in appreciation for all they do for our students, school and community.
• The week ended with a FFA fun day. FFA members participated in a hay-tossing contest, egg-tossing, tire races, potato sack races, ski races and a hot dog cookout.
The focus of National FFA Week is to tell America about the great opportunities available for youth in agriculture. From its beginnings in 1928 as the Future Farmers of America, the National FFA Organization today reaches out to all 50 states, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. From urban to rural schools, FFA is committed to developing character and leadership skills and preparing members for a lifetime of success in one of the 300 careers in agriculture.
FFA members are success-oriented students who are driven to achieve their goals and be the leaders of tomorrow. They stand out by recognizing the importance of being active in their schools and communities and are urged to step up when volunteers are sought, friendship is needed and leadership is required.
FFA members have opportunities to attend national leadership conferences, develop a supervised agricultural experience project, learn life skills and serve their communities with civic engagement.