Big elections, issues are coming up that affect us
Published 4:36 pm Friday, February 10, 2012
As I was sitting down to my computer on a dreary Friday afternoon to write this column, several topics came to mind that have come across my desk. There is much happening, and much to come, nationally, statewide, and locally that can and will affect us here in Decatur County.
• The race to become the Republican nominee to challenge Barack Obama in the November presidential election is really heating up. With eight state primaries in the rearview mirror, the race is most certainly now down to three candidates. former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, former Speaker of the House and Georgia Representative Newt Gingrich, and former Senator Rick Santorum from Pennsylvania are the three frontrunners.
Based on the most recent primaries from Colorado, Minnesota, and Missouri, Santorum clearly has the momentum, but there’s a lot of water left to travel under the bridge before this race is decided. We, in Georgia, will have our turn to vote when the primary vote is held on March 6. For many different reasons, this is a very important election, just as any presidential election. Please take time to vote on March 6.
• Another reason to go to the polls on March 6 is to vote on Sunday alcohol sales in the city of Bainbridge. The state legislature voted during last year’s session to the state’s cities and counties the ability to choose whether or not to allow Sunday alcohol sales. Before the vote, Georgia was one of only three states nationwide that banned Sunday sales.
The voting, statewide, since the ban was lifted, was been overwhelmingly in favor of allowing such sales. There are valid arguments on both sides of this issue, but the decision will be made by popular vote next month. Whatever your opinion, please let it be known by casting your vote.
• I have had the pleasure and privilege of becoming deeply involved in the Bainbridge-Decatur County Chamber of Commerce over the last year or so. And, coming from someone who has had exposure to other small-town chambers, this chamber of commerce is truly doing whatever possible to serve its members and help our community be a better place to live and do business.
The annual River Town Days festival, held on May 11-12, is the chamber’s way to provide a great time to our community, at very little cost. Planning work is under way and this year’s event, the ninth annual, is shaping up to be the best ever.
The Friday night entertainment will be the A1A Band from Atlanta, billed as the official and endorsed Jimmy Buffett Tribute Band. Saturday’s schedule will offer something for everyone — events, arts and crafts vendors, and maybe some special surprises. Additionally, the biggest and most complete show for Native American artifacts ever for this area will be held that Saturday at the Kirbo Center. Please mark your calendars now. I bet you’ll enjoy it.
• The Post-Searchlight managing editor Justin Schuver wrote a story in today’s issue about the recent waiver received by Georgia of the No Child Left Behind act. Let’s hope that this news re-energizes education in our state and lets us make our own decisions about what is best for our students.
Teachers and principals can now move on to concentrate on educating our children, instead of meeting some unrealistic measure or goal dreamed up by a suit in an office in Washington D.C.
Jeff Findley is the publisher of The Post-Searchlight. You can email him at