Survey: BC logo needs tweaking

Published 10:12 am Thursday, March 8, 2012

THERE ARE TWO PROPOSED IMAGES and two proposed font treatments that the community, faculty and staff, and students may vote on in an online survey, which will determine Bainbridge College’s new logo.


BC Communciations Specialist

The results are in and the winner is … well, there’s some more tweaking to be done before Bainbridge College announces its new logo.

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Of the 1,312 total responses, most of those taking the online survey held from Feb. 8-22 liked the crest/shield concept, or the proposed No. 3 logo.

However, Bainbridge College President Dr. Richard Carvajal said there were many great comments that centered on the style of lettering and the image of the oak tree.

“Some liked the style of lettering in the crest/shield concept, buy many said they preferred the style of lettering in the logo without a tree, or selection number two,” Carvajal said. “Some liked the updated new image of an oak tree, but many preferred our current oak and pine image.”

As a result, Carvajal said a second survey will be held in order to determine the favorite style of lettering and favorite image.

“The style of lettering and the image that receive the greatest number of votes will be added to the crest/shield design, and we will have our new college logo,” Carvajal said.

To participate in the second survey, go to the college’s Web site,, and click on the link that will take you to the survey.

The second round of voting starts Saturday, March 10, and runs through midnight Friday, March 23.

The feedback from the college’s communities is another step Creosote Affects of Emmitsburg, Md., is conducting to help the college finalize its selection of a new logo.

Carvajal said the need for a new logo became clear after there were inconsistencies in the use of the present handful of logos. For example, he said each time he had to get business cards printed for himself or members of his cabinet, those cards had different logos. And the new logo is just part of the college’s overall plans to develop new guidelines for consistently and effectively communicating its message to potential students and other supporters.

In the end, Bainbridge College plans to update its business cards, letterhead, signage, advertising and the use of the new design guidelines to create and launch a new college Web site.