Have a very Merry Christmas!
Published 8:42 am Friday, December 21, 2012
Once again, we are excited to share the message of Christmas with our readers, in our very special “Christmas Greetings” section inside today’s issue.
In this section, you will read a variety of inspirational and thought-provoking columns and messages about the meaning of Christmas. It is very interesting to see the various themes and subjects these ministers chose to write about, even though all of them come back to the same ultimate theme — Jesus Christ is God’s gift of love to us, and is the reason for the beauty of this holiday season.
You will also be able to enjoy the talented artwork by many of our area’s young children, who gave their artistic interpretations of Christmas.
We hope that our readers will be able to read some of these messages and share them with their children, during the holidays. We pray that all remember that Jesus really is the reason for the season.
Have a merry Christmas and a happy new year.