BPS arrests man who attempted to kill his wife and a BPS officer

Published 7:16 pm Friday, April 1, 2016

David Robertson was arrested Thursday afternoon and charged with terroristic threats, obstruction of law enforcement officers, attempted removal of weapons from public official and multiple counts of aggravated assault.

Bainbridge Public Safety officers accompanied his wife Belinda Robertson to their residence on Lake Douglas Road. after she reported a domestic.

According to Belinda, around 1 a.m. Thursday morning David broke into her bedroom by kicking open the door. While yelling at her he allegedly began pouring gasoline over her and the bed and saying he was going to teach her a lesson.

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Belinda said that she fled to the bathroom where she attempted to wash off the gasoline in the shower.

When David attempted to physically remove her from the shower by grabbing her hair she was able to get free and escape from the house.

That afternoon she reported the earlier incident to BPS officers and they followed her to her house to recover her possessions and take a statement about the incident from David.

According to Investigator Chip Nix when he and Belinda approached the residence and she opened the door David was armed with a crossbow, which he pointed at Belinda’s head.

“I drew my service weapon and told him to put it down,” Nix said. “When he turned it towards me I was able to grab the forearm of the bow.”

As he pushed the crossbow out of the way, David pulled the trigger and fired a bolt that passed harmlessly passed Nix, although the string did injure his hand.

Nix was able to force David to the ground at which time he began attempting to gain possession of Nix’s service weapon. With the assistance of other officers on the season they were able to subdue David and secure him in handcuffs and leg restraints.

“It all happened so fast,” Nix said. “It could have easily turned into a situation where we had to use deadly force.”

Nix said that arresting David and neither him nor officers being seriously injured was the best possible outcome. According Nix, David has an extensive criminal history for similar charges.

About Brandon O'Connor


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