GSP Toys for Tots drive a home run

Published 6:11 pm Friday, December 9, 2016

By John Simpson


The Georgia State Patrol wrapped up their Toys for Tots campaign on Friday, Dec. 2, at Wal-Mart. After all was said and done, the Colquitt GSP office had collected $1,673 in cash donations and 692 toys for children in need.

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They did not stop at that though. Georgia State Patrol took the money they received and went shopping, spending all of the money on more toys for the children.

“There’s no telling,” said Tabb when asked about the overall amount, “we got well over a thousand (toys).

When GSP took on the Toys for Tots campaign, they wanted to make sure the toys stayed local instead of being dispersed throughout the stay. Tabb proudly says that all the toys do indeed stay local and the farthest the toys could travel would be the touching edges of Decatur County.

The turnout was consistent with the past years turnouts, with this year possibly having an edge on the monetary donations.

Tabb couldn’t help but brag on the residents of the area. He added that people in the area are very charitable, and that people found ways to give, even if it was a modest donation.

Some of the donations go to the Department of Family and Child Services to be dispersed to those in need in the area, and others go to local churches in the area. The donations are handled that way in order to make sure the toys get to those in need.

Although the focal point of their campaign has passed, they will still accept donations at their office up until Dec. 13, so the toys can be dispersed by the 20th.