A few goals for 2017
Published 5:41 pm Tuesday, January 3, 2017
In a change for 2017, I am going to make a list of goals rather than resolutions. 2016 was a good year, but not great when it came to keeping the resolutions I made last year. Maybe achieving goals will be easier than keeping resolutions.
Weight control is usually the first resolution people make and the first one they fail. With that in mind, my goal is to end 2017 with a weight loss of four pounds. At that point I would have reached a long time goal of weighing XXX pounds. You’ll just have to guess what that number is, because I am not going to say.
It isn’t my ideal weight according to the charts in the doctors’ offices, but it is likely going to be the best I ever do. In any case, my goal is to lose four, only four measly pounds. Only 1.2 ounces per week. That sounds easy, but I am writing this from New Orleans where you can gain four pounds in one meal.
I have a goal of writing one handwritten letter per month to a friend. Check your mailbox starting next week.
Another goal is to spend more time doing what I enjoy and less time doing what I think I have to get done. I will focus on getting three things done a day rather than looking at a list of thirty things I need to get done someday. One of those three will be something I want to do, not have to do.
Spending more time with grandchildren is a goal moved to the top of the list. My oldest grandson is halfway to being old enough to drive a car. If I decline an invitation to do something for or with you because I am attending a soccer game, I hope you will understand.
Buying local is another goal for 2017. I have gotten pretty good at this over the last few years. This year, I tried to buy every Christmas gift locally that I could. Keep your taxes at home and help your neighbors and friends that operate businesses here succeed.
I hope to give someone a compliment at least once a day. Achieving that goal should not really be so hard to do. People crave positive reinforcement. A thank you is so easy to say, and often so appreciated.
Travel remains one of my goals, and I will keep working on my bucket list of places to visit while I still can. In 2017, I hope to travel to at least one country, and maybe even one continent that I have never visited.
I am going to continue to work on moving out of my comfort zone. That might be eating different foods, attending different events, reading different viewpoints, and visiting different places. Macaroni and Cheese is a great comfort food, but it doesn’t always have to be made the same way. To reinforce that thought, I am going to cook a new mac and cheese recipe each month. I will let you know the best dish this time next year.
Some of the most important goals seem like they would be the easiest, but in fact are hard. I am going to listen, really listen more to my wife. These should be our greatest days together and that only happens if you work at achieving that goal.
Finally, I am not going to beat myself up if I don’t achieve all of my goals this year. Reduce stress, enjoy life, and spend more time with my family and friends. Sometimes our goals can be as simple as that.