Rotary Interact officers report on their activities
Published 5:29 pm Tuesday, May 2, 2017
Three officers of the BHS Rotary Interact Club came to the Rotary Club meeting this week to talk about the activities the club participated in this academic year.
President Natalie Edmunds gave some information about the club membership, indicating the numbers have increased to 40 this year. Membership is open to students in grades 10-12, and they must be nominated by a current member.
Kim Burrell is the advisor for the club.
Vice-president Josie Deal and Treasurer Caitlin Shephard joined in the speech describing some of the ways members volunteered in the community. They helped at the fall festivals held by each elementary school and did a library reading program, where they read to children ages 6 to 10. Some of the members also mentored students at West Bainbridge Elementary School.
Fundraisers were held and donations made to the victims of the Louisiana floods and Georgia tornadoes.
At Christmas the club adopted a family, providing gifts for a family of three.
A new special project that took shape this year was the BHS Clothes Closet. It began with donations from teachers and students, then grew to accepting articles of clothing from the whole community. Clothes are available to students without cost, with special areas for graduation clothing and prom dresses. The closet has been organized into displays by retired teacher Marjorie Brock.
They closed by saying they welcome suggestions from Rotary for opportunities to serve the community.