Letter to the Editor
Published 6:05 pm Tuesday, June 20, 2017
To the Editor:
On behalf of the State Bar of Georgia, I wish to express congratulations and thanks to South Georgia Judicial Circuit Superior Court Judge Heather H. Lanier, who organized the recent Day on the Bench” program at the Grady County Courthouse, and all local Bar members who participated in the observance of Law Day 2017.
The national theme for this year’s celebration of Law Day is “The 14th Amendment: Transforming Democracy,” which commemorates the amendment’s citizenship, due process and equal protection clauses on our Constitution, thus advancing the rights of all Americans.
The “Day on the Bench” program featured remarks by Chief Justice P. Harris Hines of the Supreme Court of Georgia, South Georgia Circuit Chief Superior Court Judge J. Kevin Chason, state Rep. Jay Powell and Grady County State Court Juvenile Court Judge Joshua C. Bell. State Rep. Darlene Taylor was also in attendance.
We commend our colleagues in the South Georgia Circuit for a most successful observance of Law Day, which helps make the public aware of the importance and value of our judicial system.
Brian D. “Buck” Rogers
President, State Bar of Georgia