Shop til you drop

Published 4:34 pm Friday, November 23, 2018

Locals and visitors alike could be seen shopping up a storm during Bainbridge’s Black Friday sale, as they hunted for the best deals and Christmas gifts for everyone to enjoy.

Bainbridge Pharmacy started their morning off with a line out the door. Anna Payne, who is the buyer for the gift shop, said the first 25 customers got a stack of five Erimish bracelets and everyone who shopped there today had the opportunity to place their name in the raffle for a Vera Bradley duffle bag and throw to match, which values at $175.

In addition to those offerings the store was having a 30 percent off sale on E. Newton Jewelry and Vera Bradley.

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Once shoppers picked out all their favorite items and headed to the counter, they were in for another surprise. They draw how much percentage they get off their purchase. The percentages ranged from 10-50 percent off with no exclusions, Payne said. This includes Onward Reserve and other high-ticket items.

Mandy Johnson and Deena Shealy were two of the customers hoping for the 50 percent off. The duo said they had been out and about shopping all day, and they were just looking for little gifts at the store they may not be able to find elsewhere.

One of these items is the Giving Manger. In celebration of the season of giving, the manger tasks its buyer with doing good deeds. For every good deed, the owner takes a piece of straw that is provided and puts it in baby Jesus’ manger. By Christmas day, the goal is to have Jesus a bed.

Payne said last year they sold out of the product; because the company made them a designed buy point to ship across the United States. She is hoping for the same thing this year and encourages people to purchase these for the holidays.

Payne said she saw a lot of guests come in the store first thing this morning from out of town and was surprised. She said they heard about them on social media and wanted to come see what was available.

Pretty Girlz Boutique said they also saw a ton of out of area guests.

“Most people who have been in today were from out of town,” employee Prissy Wilkin said. “It has just been really wonderful.”

Pretty Girlz also offered Erimish bracelets to their first 20 customers in line and 50 percent off an item of their choice.

In addition to that every customer received a scratch off ticket when they entered the door that offered a percentage off.

“Everyone got a discount one way or another,” Wilkin said.

Store manager, Georgia Daniels said they sold about an equal amount of clothes and jewelry throughout the day, and have had a steady crowd.

“It was a really good turnout,” Daniels said. “When we got here at 7:30 a.m. there were already four cars in the parking lot. We were really surprised.”

Pretty Girlz will continue their sale into Shop Small Saturday, where things will be marked 20 percent off. Starting on Saturday, the store will offer extended hours through Christmas. They will be open 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Vivie Kat and the Tanning Company also saw a successful morning. The first 25 customers received a free gift, and with every $50 purchase they had the chance to enter the Black Friday drawing for a $100 giftcard.

Owner, Carrie Turner said she was very pleased with the turnout. She said they always see great results when they mark down their t-shirts low, so they were selling them Friday for $12. In addition, they were offering their yearly tanning special, which brought in numerous customers.

For customers who weren’t able to shop on Friday, some stores will still be offering specials on Shop Small Saturday, where everyone is encouraged to shop local and kick off their holiday shopping here in Bainbridge.