Daycare under investigation after signs of abuse of children
Published 4:19 pm Tuesday, July 2, 2019
Friday afternoon, licensed childcare provider, Sydney A. Heard turned herself into Bainbridge Public Safety officers and was charged with two counts of cruelty to children.
According to reports, two mothers met with BPS officer Chuck Strickland regarding similar injuries their children obtained while in Heard’s care. One of the incidents occurred in October of 2018, while the other incident recently occurred on June 11.
The case was then turned over to Mark Esquivel, who took out warrants on Heard.
Knowing her impending warrants, Esquivel said Heard met with her attorneys and decided to turn herself in, although she still denies any claims of wrongdoing.
Esquivel said Heard attests the children fell on a toy, although Esquivel cannot reveal the specifics of what happened to the children.
Esquivel said he believes Heard’s childcare is still open, however the daycare licensing board is conducting a further investigation and if something is found they will then determine if it is fit to remain open.
It is currently still an ongoing investigation. Esquivel said if any other parent has questions or concerns about their child while they were under the care of Heard, they can contact him.