BHS Basketball Cheerleaders hold summer camp for next season

Published 2:50 pm Friday, June 21, 2024

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The BHS Basketball Cheerleaders are already preparing for the upcoming season, having recently wrapped up two summer camps. The first camp was aimed at preparing the BHS cheerleaders for 2024-2025. According to coach Kimberly Barthel, she and the assistant coach agreed “that the first and most crucial aspect of being on the squad this year is building a strong foundation and learning the fundamentals of cheerleading.”

The team received support from multiple businesses and members of the community during the camp, with Dawn Richardson of The Lift allowing the cheerleaders to participate in a training session, Lori King of Bridge Nutrition offering some of their specialty drinks, while Kregg Close of Close Funeral Home sponsored lunch for the girls. The camp ended with the girls giving a showcase of what they had learned.

Following the high schooler’s camp, a youth camp for girls ages 4-13 was held. Coach Barthel estimated that the camp grew to almost 100 participants this year.

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“It was a week loaded with learning cheers, a dance, and fun, fun, fun!” she told the Post-Searchlight.

Aside from learning new cheers, the youth campers were also treated to waterslides and a glow party, with the camp likewise concluding in a showcase of what the students had learned.

“A lot of preparation went into the two camps and it couldn’t have been done without some very supportive people,” Barthel said, “our booster officers, two very active cheer parents, and the coaches!”

She added that she is hoping to use fundraisers and get sponsorships to take the cheerleaders on a team bonding exercise.

“I always tell them that this is much more than just cheering for me! It’s all about developing character and preparing these young ladies to be responsible citizens after high school,” Barthel concluded. “We are so excited about the upcoming basketball season!”