Rotary Club previews action items going forward

Published 9:32 am Thursday, July 18, 2024

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Members of the Bainbridge Rotary Club met for their weekly meeting at the Kirbo Center on Tuesday. There was no guest speaker for the day; instead, members of the club leadership discussed the club’s goals for the upcoming year.

President Tommie Howell introduced the meeting. Among the items on the club’s action plan for this year were: enhancing participant engagement, including increasing the number of members participating in club service activities, and increase the number of social activities outside regular meetings; to increase the club’s impact, the club will contribute to the Rotary Foundation’s annual fund, perform at least 10 community service projects, and contribute to the Polio + fund; and expand the club’s reach by growing the membership, just to list a few.

Following Howell, other members of the club leadership took to the podium to further discuss some of the items in the action plan, including expanding club membership, community service projects, and revising the club’s bylaws.

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