Decatur County Board of Education discusses millage rate meetings, approve training plan

Published 10:55 am Friday, July 19, 2024

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The Decatur County Board of Education met for their monthly meeting on Thursday evening. Following the invocation, adoption of agenda, and approval of minutes, Superintendent Dr. Boyd English made an adjustment to the evening’s schedule, that being the planned special recognition of local distinguished coaches, some of whom could not attend due to family matters.

Following this, the board moved into their informational items. Dr. English informed the board that there was not yet a financial report, as the previous fiscal year just ended on June 30. Dr. English also informed the board that they would be holding millage rate hearings, following an update from the tax assessor’s office. He elaborated that there were currently no plans to raise or roll back the current millage rate.

Also, English stated that the new BMS building and the new performing arts building construction were “on track.” Lastly, he recognized the newest employee of the Board of Education, Ana Baty, who is the Board’s Director of Public Relations.

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Next, the Board moved on to the meeting’s action items. First, they approved the local board training plan for 2024-25. Following this, the board approved the requested out-of-town/overnight field trips. To conclude the meeting, the board approved the recommended personnel, and adjourned with the Pledge of Allegiance.