Chamber Connect luncheon hears from BHS principal Chris Bryant, head football coach Jay Walls

Published 11:01 am Friday, August 2, 2024

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A large crowd of Chamber members attended this month’s Chamber Connect luncheon. The two main speakers at the event were BHS principal Chris Bryant, as well as Bearcat head football coach Jay Walls. After a brief introduction by First National Bank’s Bert Hines, Bryant took to the podium to speak. This year is Bryant’s first year as principal of Bainbridge High School, with Thursday being the first day of the new school year, which he commented on.

“We have kids coming to school, all the new faces, all the new freshmen,” Bryant said, “and I’m watching our upperclassmen talking to these freshmen about, ‘Hey man, her class is there,’… and to me, that just solidified I knew where I was supposed to be.”

He recalled his history as softball coach, assistant principal and athletic director, before becoming principal of BHS. Bryant also touched on the new Bearcat +1 program.

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“That’s an initiative to where, when our kids graduate, not only are they gonna walk across that stage with a diploma, we want them to be enrolled, enlisted or employed,” he said.

Following Bryant, Coach Walls spoke, thanking the Chamber and those that have sponsored the football program. “To have successful program, you have to have support from your community,” Walls said, “and y’all, I already know, that y’all do a great job… I want to thank you for your support. We couldn’t be successful without you.”

Walls introduced several of this year’s team to the audience: Bowen Smith, Braylon Phillips, Camryn Scott, and Chance Stubbs.

“These guys have been working really hard since last season, and have been big contributors,” Walls said.

Walls went on to talk about his message to the team this year: “Be Bearcat Uncommon. That’s my message to our guys, every day. Be uncommon.” He explained, “Do the things people can’t do. Do the things people won’t do. Do the extra, do the little things, and we’re gonna be successful.”

“I can tell you right now, the goal is to win the 3A state championship in Georgia. That’s the goal,” Walls continued. “But that’s not my priority. Now men win championships, right? So my priority is to build men… The priority is to build men that are gonna do things right. The priority is to build men that are gonna work hard and do their best. The priority is to build men that are mentally and physically tough.”

The luncheon concluded with the raffling of door prizes.