Birmingham Turn-Around

Published 4:57 pm Monday, August 5, 2024

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How many times has the prayer phrase “Traveling Mercies” been requested? For the last few days, Donna Sue and I have been the recipient of our Good Lord’s traveling mercies.

            The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) Medical Center has been part of her medical care for years. It’s a huge facility and is present everywhere in the downtown area of the Iron City. It’s huge.

            Donna Sue had an appointment with an affiliate of UAB Monday morning and the timing was such that we needed to drive up Sunday afternoon. The distance is approximately 255 miles. Our departure time from Bainbridge was a little after 3:00 ET and, if all went well, we would check into the hotel sometime after 7:00 CT.

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            Sunday was also Donna Sue’s birthday and that was good. I grew up in a family that, of course, recognized birthdays, but didn’t make too big a deal out of them. We might have gotten our favorite cake and a present, but that might have been the extent of the celebration.

            Not so with Donna Sue. Birthdays were a big deal in her family and there was a party every year. In fact, she begins celebrating her birthday a week before the day and doesn’t mind extending the joy for days after. I have to remember that because to forget her birthday…well let’s just say I’d be in big trouble! Not to worry, though. Too many reminders.

            Gifts. She is so generous when the time comes around for my celebrations. I get more gifts on my birthday than I did at Christmas as a child.

            At church, Sunday, I mentioned that it was Donna Sue’s birthday and the natural question was, “What are you giving her for her birthday?” I made a big joke about “Me” being her special gift and one of the men in the church spoke up, “How’d that work out?”

            Then I explained that every year around this time our Decatur County Tax office is so nice to mail us our reminders to update our vehicle stickers. That request coincides with our birthdays, so every year, I go to the Tax Office and pay Donna Sue’s tag fee. It’s not a small amount and I tell her, “Here’s your birthday present.” Then I hand her the new sticker.

            She appreciates that gift and I’m thinking, “Got that birthday gift out of the way!” I’ve told you that birthdays were not that big a deal for my family, but most of the congregation was not impressed by my gift. I think they were thinking that gift was akin to giving your wife a new vacuum cleaner for Christmas. Actually, not a bad idea!

             As it turned out, I didn’t have to worry about a gift. Between Troy, AL, and Montgomery is a shoe store by the name of Sikes and Kohn. It’s pretty famous and has a million signs that point its way. It’s like the old “See Rock City” barns. You can’t miss it.

            Donna Sue was looking for a specific kind of shoe and said, “I’d like to stop at Sikes and Kohn.” Well, I didn’t just fall off the turnip truck! I should have seen this coming, but we stopped at the shoe store and guess what?

            They had not one, but two pairs of the shoe Donna Sue was looking for. Two different colors and I fell hard. “It’s your birthday, why not get both!” She’s worth it!

            The next morning, we go to the appointment and get back on the road to come back. In about 24 hours, we had driven almost 600 miles. That makes for a good night’s rest. And, thanks Lord, for the traveling mercies!