City of Bainbridge updates downtown signage

Published 9:46 am Wednesday, August 28, 2024

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Last Tuesday, Bainbridge announced updated way-finding signage in the downtown area to accompany the completion of Chason Park. The signage program has been in Decatur County for several years, but now it’s updated.

Amanda Glover, the city’s Downtown Development Authority Director, states, “The reason why this one was so important is because of the completion of Chason Park. We want to direct people to Chason Park, but simultaneously, if you’re at the park, we want you to know downtown is not so far away.” The signage to Chason Park includes the River Walk, Cheney Griffin Park, and Earle May Rec. Area. Chason Park signage offers a historical background of the park and the playground splash pad. When you’re coming from Chason Park, the signage directs you to the downtown shopping area and Willis Park. 

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