Climax sets June 11 for Flag Day celebration

Published 5:34 pm Friday, May 20, 2011

Some of the items on the agenda for the May 9th meeting of the Climax City Council were: An easement for the drainage ditch improvement on Martin Luther King Drive, the status of the junk items for sale, insurance and update for the playground equipment at the Little Park, and Flag Day parade and festivies in Climax set for June 11.

The drainage ditch improvement on Martin Luther King Drive was discussed with Mayor Charles Hadsock reporting that three people were owners of the property where an easement was needed for repair work. While three jointly owned the property, only one, Beulah Austin, paid the property taxes and was responsible for the property. She would sign an easement as the responsible party. A motion passed to have Ms. Austin sign an easement and to keep the same ditch with new pipe.

The council received two sealed bids for the junk items. The bid from Davis and Son Salvage was $150, while Parrish and Parrish was $250. No decision was made until some on the council could evaluate what exactly was in the junk items.

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Sandra Thomas gave an update for the children’s little park. She said a cook-out fund-raiser was being planned for May 27 at the park from 5 to 8 p.m. This will also be a grand opening and there will be hot dogs and hamburgers for sale. Orders are being taken for fresh baked bread for a donation of $5.

Insurance on the playground equipment was discussed with the possibility of adding it to the GIRMA policy, but this was postponed until more information could be obtained as to what insurance was carried by the manufacture of the equipment.

The Climax Flag Day celebration and parade is set for June 11 with a parade beginning at 10 a.m. at the Head Start School. Bonnie Maloy and Liz Phillips are in charge of the parade, and Sandra Thomas is in charge of the program at Parker Park of presentation of the new flags and retiring the old flags.

Mayor Hadsock reported that he had attended a Legislative listening session in Cairo on May 2 giving an update on pending legislation and bills that passed during last legislative session. He encouraged all council members to study HB 87 to understand it better, as much was changing and more forms are now having to be filled out when applying for a city business license.

The mayor also reported that he had met with the representative for the utilities service company that keeps the maintenance on the city water tank about the paint cracking and flaking on the braces and legs of the tank. He said the representative was going to recommend to the company that they return and repaint the damaged areas.

Councilman Bob Thomas reported that a crack was in the walking track at Parker Park and needed looking into. Maintenance will follow up on this.

A motion passed to purchase two new weedeaters for the maintenance department at the cost of $227 each.

John Presilla, a new part-time policeman, is providing law enforcement for the city while Police Chief Joel Jenkins is recovering from surgery. The council complimented Presilla on a job well done.

Fire Chief Jeff Kelly reported that the fire department had recently acquired another brush truck and requested permission to sell the old brush truck, then use the money to fix up the other truck.

A motion passed for Chief Kelly to check with the county to see if the truck could be sold through and if so the money then be kept in the fire department account to be used for the newer truck.