Climax Police Chief to move to DCSO, work part time in Climax

Published 7:05 pm Friday, February 20, 2015

Near the end of the regular Climax City Council meeting on Monday, Feb. 9, the council voted to close the regular meeting and enter into an executive meeting due to personnel issues.

Upon returning, the regular meeting was reopened and Mayor Charles Hadsock made the announcement that Climax Police Chief John Presilla would be going to work for the Decatur County Sheriff’s office full-time and working at the City of Climax for 15 hours. He also stated that Sheriff Wiley Griffin promised him that Presilla would be splitting his time at the Sheriff’s Office between Climax and Attapulgus.

A motion was made by Bob Jones and seconded by Sandra Thomas to keep Presilla on for the city at 15 hours a week. The motion was approved unanimously.

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In other business, City Clerk Karen Toole announced that Kerry Dean of Decatur County has selected the Climax Volunteer Fire Department to receive a $2,500 donation from the American’s Farmers Grow Communities. The presentation will be on Feb. 25 at 2:30 p.m. at the Fire Department

A motion by Bob Jones carried unanimously to amend the 2014 budget to match the 2014 financial statement.

An amount of $627 was approved unanimously using funds from SPLOST to purchase tires for the maintenance truck. Sandra Thomas made the motion.

A motion by Bob Jones was passed unanimously to purchase wheel bearings for the police truck for $166.26

City Clerk Karen Tooles requested that it be recorded in the minutes that she had returned the $100 petty cash set aside for the police department cash drawer. She said she is now working out of one cash drawer instead of two.



The planning committee for the annual Climax Ham and Egg Supper will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 24, beginning at 7 p.m. at the Climax Community Club house. Anyone interested in helping at the Supper is encouraged to attend this planning meeting.


Reporter’s note: A big thank you is sent to Karen Toole for her contribution and assistance with this article.