Bench assumes chair of Hospital Authority
Published 8:19 pm Friday, March 20, 2015
A new slate of officers approved at Tuesday’s Memorial Hospital and Manor Authority meeting effectively saw Glennie Bench and Charles Tyson trade offices. Bench took on the position of chairperson, while Tyson took Bench’s former position as treasurer. Linda Jones will continue to serve as vice-chair and Johnny Grimsley as secretary.
The board also approved continuing or renewing the contracts with the CPA firm of Draffin &Tucker and attorneys, Tom Conger, George Floyd,
and Lee Durham.
Other action taken was to renew the CareLearning license for continuing the on-line education software program for hospital employees at a cost of $8400.
There were no capital equipment items on the agenda.
February was another bad month for finances, as the key indicators showed a net loss of $176,455 for the month, and a current year-to-date loss of $730,171. It was predicted that by the end of March when the fiscal year ends, the loss would exceed $800,000.
Some of the accounts previously written off have been sold to exchanges, or secondary collection agencies; and that money will be placed in Net Revenue. A new round of accounts in arrears are scheduled to be sold. The hospital is currently offering patients a discount to those who pay their bills in full. That offer expires March 31.
Budget preparations for FY 2016 are underway. CFO Bill Huling gave some proposed figures for the new budget and said meetings with department heads are scheduled.
CEO Billy Walker, in his update of information praised the work of the recently approved Bainbridge City-Decatur County Service agreement, which designates that up to 2 mils of property taxes will come from the county to help support the hospital. This will help the hospital’s financial position greatly. Dr. Charles Walker made the comment that the employees were expressing positive feelings about the agreement and the ability of the two government entities to work together. Glennie Bench commented that it was indeed, “A huge statement of support” for the hospital. The hospital has plans to host a dinner meeting for city and county government leaders on March 26.
• Billy Walker also reported a new physician will be coming to Bainbridge from Michigan in August.
• Once again, the hospital will have a Relay for Life team in the April event.
• A half-marathon fund-raiser with 75 entries will occur Sat. March 21 beginning at 7 a.m.
Following a lengthy closed executive meeting said to discuss personnel, strategic planning and legal issues, the Authority came back to open meeting and voted to approve minutes from prior executive committee and total quality management meetings and the credentialing of providers.