Mitchell Co. graduates succeed with MOWR program at BSC

Published 4:18 pm Friday, July 8, 2016

By Susanne Reynolds

Bainbridge State College is pleased to announce the success of the “Move On When Ready” (MOWR) program and the support it received during its first year from Mitchell County High School.

In May, Dr. Rodney Carr, VP for Academic & Student Affairs, and Melanie Cleveland, Director of Admissions, presented 19 Mitchell County High School graduates with Associates of the Arts (A.A.) degrees from Bainbridge State College.

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Since the beginning of the MOWR program and Bainbridge State, Mitchell Co. High School has shown its full support.

According to Principal Robert Adams, the MOWR program is providing an excellent opportunity for their high school students to change the way school is done.

“They actually have the opportunity to see that you no longer have to sit in class and no matter the effort you put in you go at the same pace with the same results as everyone else,” he said. “Now, students have the chance to reach for the stars. You put in the work, you get the reward of a career or college credit.”

And the students were rewarded for their hard work as they received not only a high school diploma, but also a college degree.

Mitchell County High School graduate, Dianna Redding was one of the many students who went through the MOWR Program at Bainbridge State College. She put in the hard work in college and received a degree; and in high school she also put in much hard work and earned the reward of being named her class’s Salutatorian.

Redding explained that the MOWR Program was a “delightful experience.”

“The College professors and administration were just as kind and helpful to me as my high school teachers. The College were extremely understanding when it came to my requirements and limitations. Attending both high school and college at the same time has given me a better understanding of how it will be in the future,” she said.

The graduate also added she would recommend the program to any that is “willing and able.”

“It is a great way to jump start your future,” said Redding. “The program has made me realize how truly grateful I am. It will help me in my future academic and career endeavors, by not only placing me above the rest, but making it that much easier for me to continue on to higher degrees.”

Adams also commented on the overall experience with Bainbridge State College and the MOWR Program.

He said, “From making schedules work, testing students to get them qualified has been an awesome experience with the College. However, it is the professors and administration that has made the whole program work. They care about our students, resolve conflicts and provide the support that allows non-traditional students, such as high school students, rise to the occasion, tackle a rigorous and demanding curriculum and be successful. An awesome partnership.”

Bainbridge State College Admissions agrees the partnership has been a very rewarding.

MOWR Coordinator, Laura Brown, commented, “The Move on When Ready program has been a wonderful opportunity for area high school students to get a jump start on their college career. The students from Mitchell County High School have proven that the MOWR program is successful. I was proud to see these students receive their high school diploma and Associates degree all at the same time. Once students, parents and the community realized the opportunities and benefits of the MOWR program, participation increased tremendously. Our partnership with Mitchell County High School has definitely been a rewarding experience.”

The MOWR Program provides an opportunity for high school students from eligible Georgia high schools to begin earning a college degree while simultaneously pursuing a high school diploma.

For more information about MOWR at Bainbridge State College, please visit