Pisgah Community Neighborhood Watch hears from DCSO deputies
Published 4:42 pm Tuesday, March 14, 2017
The community of Climax came together Saturday March 11, 2017 to form a Neighborhood Watch Committee. After a series of burglaries that occurred in December of 2016 the Climax community realized how important it was to bring a Neighborhood Watch to Climax. During the time that the break-ins occurred many of the citizens of Climax became on high alert.
Several people of the Pisgah Church area began to patrol the neighborhood to keep a watchful eye out on their neighbors. Through the patrols and phone calls to 911 with tips the Decatur County Sheriff’s Department was able to gather evidence to build their case. A neighbor that was watching out for their neighbor witnessed their neighbor’s home being broken into. They placed and called 911 and this call is what led to the suspects being apprehended by the Decatur County Sheriff Department and arrested for the December burglaries. After the community realized what an important role they played in helping take these bad guys off the streets; they decided to make a more formal look out group.
Several citizens of Climax asked the right questions to the Decatur County Sheriff’s Department and were able to build a solid foundation for a neighborhood watch in Climax. The Sheriff’s Department visited the citizens of Climax on Saturday. They answered questions and gave out pamphlets about neighborhood watch groups. They also designated the name to the newest community watch group as The Pisgah Community Neighborhood Watch.