Teen gets her dream travel wish

Published 5:10 pm Friday, July 28, 2017

Kortney Scott poses alongside the wax figurine of Michael Jackson at the wax museum on her trip to Hollywood, California with her dad and step-mother. It was one of Korney’s favorite places she visited.

Twelve-year-old Kortney Scott of Bainbridge, has always wanted to ride in the big truck rig with her father. She began by taking short trips around the block when she was very young, but has always wanted to take a trip in the truck.

This summer she finally got her wish. She travelled for six weeks with her father Jimmy Scott and step-mother Stephanie, who are both long-distance truckers.

This gave her a chance to “see the world,” or at least much of the United States.

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She saw mountains and desert, forests and fields along the way as they traveled through at least 17 states. She described her impression of New Mexico and Arizona as “hot—but not hot like Bainbridge.” She also commented on how there were rocks and dirt everywhere in the desert, along with what she believes were snake holes.

But her favorite place of all was going to Hollywood, California.

She especially loved the wax museum filled with lifelike representations of some of her favorite entertainers. She has a picture showing her “dancing” with Michael Jackson.

She was disappointed she didn’t get to Las Vegas, Nevada in time for a Boys to Men concert she had been looking forward to attending.

Although she slept in the truck every day and ate most meals at truck stops, she said the hardest part was when her dad showed her how he hooks and unhooks the loads when he reaches his delivery and pickup stations.

She said she would like to go again, as long as it was not in a truck. “It was bumpy” she said, adding it was okay and smooth when her step-mother drove, but when her dad drove it was too bumpy, and she would fall off the bunk in the back.

Kortney kept her mother, Shani Scott and her grandmother Karrell Bush up-to-date on her daily adventures, as she took lots of pictures on her phone.

No doubt she will have lots of stories to tell her friends at Hutto Middle School sixth grade when she relates how she spent her summer vacation.