Memorial Hospital one step closer to choosing new CEO
Published 3:28 pm Friday, October 20, 2017
On Tuesday, the Memorial Hospital and Manor Authority met, and in closed session discussed quality concerns and personnel issues. Upon returning to open session, they failed to bring up the subject of a new CEO for the hospital. Board chairperson Glennie Bench said they were narrowing the field of three finalists and conducting negotiations. She fully anticipates they will have a choice finalized soon, perhaps necessitating the need for a called meeting prior to the regularly scheduled November meeting.
Interim CEO/CFO Gregg Majors said once a decision is made on the CEO they will begin a search for a CFO.
Majors also spoke positively about the key indicators for September, 2017, although the net income was but $1,211, it was in the positive column. He said the net revenue has increased 7 percent over last year, and things are “looking pretty good compared to last year.”
A positive report was also given on the Georgia Heart –Tax Credit situation, said to have over $170,000 designated as of last Tuesday. Heather Long has been hired to administer the program, and November 1 is the deadline to make application. Donations must be made by December 31.
EMCARE, a new emergency room physician group, is now in place; and all prescription needs of the Manor are now being handled by the hospital pharmacy department.
There were no capital items for consideration.