Artist for the Month of May
Published 3:57 pm Tuesday, May 1, 2018
Savannah Cumbie, a junior at Bainbridge High School has been chosen as the art student of the month, making her eligible to display her work in the new gallery at the Firehouse Arts Center Kirbo Room open on Saturdays.
Savannah created what she calls an “Octopot” and entered it in the Student Art Show 3-D division of pottery.
She began her arts hobby in 9th grade when she took ceramics and found she liked it. She first tried drawing, then moved on to ceramics. “It has been a dream for me to pursue art and I would like to continue when I graduate from high school.”
Savannah also enjoys singing.
Her Octopot was listed to sell, and she will sell if the right buyer comes along, otherwise she plans to keep it in her room.