Inlow named new director of Firehouse Arts Center

Published 4:26 pm Friday, May 25, 2018

On the first of June, Michael Inlow will assume the title and duties of the director of the Firehouse Arts Center. This is a whole new venture for Inlow, who recently retired from 30 years of teaching choral music, theater and keyboarding in the public school system.

He began at Washington Middle School in Cairo for six years, then was the choral teacher for two years at West Bainbridge Middle School.

He concluded his public school teaching experience with 22 years at Cairo High School, where he taught chorus, theater and AP Music Theory.

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Mike is well known in Bainbridge, not only for having grown up here, but through some of his other connections. He has been the choirmaster at Bainbridge First Presbyterian Church for 21 years where his choirs and choral presentations have drawn praise from many music lovers.

Another area of his interest is the Bainbridge Little Theatre. He has been very involved with that organization for 30 years participating as an actor, director or music director for over 30 shows. He also lends his artistic talents to set design. He has served on the Board of Directors of the theater group for the last ten years and will assume the position of chair in the upcoming year – a position he has held twice before.

So, what kind of future does he see for the Arts Center? He has several ideas to help expand the activities. “Since Artsfest died, I have been looking for a way to restart some of the activities enjoyed by those who attended. These include the brown bag lunches in Willis Park while listening to musical performances. He would really like to see an expansion of the fine arts, which are defined as more than just artwork. “It  also includes music and theater arts,” he explains. “We want to branch out, and things don’t always have to be held at the Firehouse. Some could be in the park, or the Kirbo Center or a local church.”

He received indication from the interviewing board members that they too want to expand their exposure by coordinating with other groups for special events, such as the BLT and the City of Bainbridge. “I think we (the community) are starving for musical performances from different genres of music,” explains Inlow.

Although they are looking for new ideas and new participation from new members, they will definitely continue their current business of rentals of the Callahan room in the upstairs of the Firehouse, along with the large downstairs Harrell Gallery, both so frequently used for wedding parties, reunions and corporation parties. Of course,  they will also continue to house seasonal art shows and offer arts classes to young and old alike.

The summer art camps for students between the ages of 8 and 12 are scheduled this year for July 9 through 13 and from July 16 through 20. Visit the website at for more information about those and other events.

Because Mike holds a Master’s in Music Education from Florida State University he has many contacts from there and other areas, as well as in theatre arts.

Basically, he is excited about the future. “ I was approached by one of the board members about the opening. So, I decided I might want to explore this now that I am retired from teaching.”