Football coach talks at luncheon
Published 3:42 pm Friday, August 3, 2018
Thursday afternoon Coach Jeff Littleton spoke at the August Chamber Connect luncheon and gave a brief overview of what fans have to look forward to this season.
Littleton began the presentation by discussing last year’s 8-4 season and the success of last year’s senior class. The senior class was the third best senior class to come through the BHS football program, with 32 wins.
Littleton wanted to promote the class, because it’s all about the process and the team truly put their best foot forward and they had a great supporting cast. The team scored over 400 points total last year, which is more than they scored in 12 games in years past, Littleton said.
The rising seniors saw that and want to continue on that trend. They know the effort the team put in last year and they are ready to double the effort and make a name for themselves and the community.
“They want to be better than good, they want to be that senior class that comes out on top,” Littleton said.
Littleton explained these seniors definitely have the power to do it, but it’s just going to take some hard work and determination.
The team began the offseason in January in the weight room. For two months, during an eight week cycle the team spends five days a week in the weight room. They only focus on building muscle and getting lean for the season.
During the spring, Littleton said they put in the work and finished off with a great spring game in Thomasville.
Defensively, the team is returning 5 starters. Some of the returners didn’t see much playing time in the past, but they have created great depth for the team, which is something Littleton said they have really focused on this year. They want to build depth for the team and make sure to keep everyone healthy.
Littleton said during 2015 the “injury bug” never hit them and they were fortunate, but that’s why they build depth. In the event a key player was hurt, Littleton wants the second and third string to be just as strong and prepared as someone who starts every game.
The 22 seniors are ready to be on the field. They had their first full padded practice on Wednesday, although they have been practicing throughout the summer; it’s been no contact, so this past week they have been getting in game shape to prepare for their scrimmage against Lowndes.
Littleton opened up the floor for questions, where Clint Beckham asked about the offensive line and an update on the Mitchell boys.
The Mitchell boys are hurt, but they are working to put the pain aside. Littleton said the boys should be back soon. He has not gotten the MRI back on Brad, but according to the trainer rehab is going well and he should be on the mend.
While Littleton was concerned about the Mitchell boys, he said during their recovery it has opened up his eyes to some new players he doesn’t usually get to see and really showed the depth that they have worked to create.
Mike Albritton asked Littleton about who is looking good in the region this year.
Littleton said he thinks Warner Robins looks really good and have approximately 40 seniors on their roster, which he is a little unsure how that happened.
He invited everyone to come out to their first game and support the Bearcats by purchasing raffle tickets from the coaches.