First baby of New Year born Jan. 2 at Memorial Hospital
Published 4:00 pm Friday, January 4, 2019
When Ashley Nichole Nguyen and Tam Van Nguyen left Memorial Hospital on Thursday, they took their 2019 New Years Baby, Dalilah Lily Trinh Nguyen, home to meet her brothers and sister.
Little Dalilah was born Wednesday, January 2 at 5:58 a.m., weighing 6 pounds, 11 ounces, and was delivered by Dr. Whitney Vance. Ashley said she never expected she would have the first baby born in 2019, as her due date was a week later.
Family members include a sister MaKinly Love Nguyen, age 6, two brothers, Kaelix Li Nguyen, age 8 and 17 month-old Harper Tam Kadn Nguyen.
The couple makes their home in Bainbridge and the proud grandparents are Barbara and Paul Adams and Lillie and Jack Roberts.