Bainbridge City Council approves revolving loan fund resolution, recognizes Winburn retirement

Published 5:07 pm Monday, September 23, 2024

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The Bainbridge City Council met at City Hall for their monthly meeting on last Tuesday. Following the invocation and pledge, the council voted to approve the minutes of two previous special called meetings, one on September 3 and the second on September 5.

After the minutes were approved, the council recognized visitors and delegations wishing to address the council. One citizen stepped forward to raise several issues with the council, including zoning disputes.

Following this, the council considered a resolution to adopt the budget for the 2025 fiscal year, which was approved.

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After this, the council considered a resolution regarding the Downtown Development Revolving Loan Fund. According to city manager Roy Oliver, the fund is for helping cities and downtown development authorities by providing below-market rate financing to fund downtown projects. The specific project this was requested for was K&S Real Estate Investments LLC, for the rehabilitation of property at 409 N Broad Street. The council voted to adopt the resolution.

The next item on the agenda was a retirement presentation for Steve Winburn, with Mayor Reynolds acknowledging Winburn for his 13 years of service. Winburn has previously served as the assistant city engineer and public services director.

After this, the council heard a consideration for street closure requests; this included a requested closure for the upcoming River South music festival, and a request for closures by the Firehouse Arts Center in November for this year’s Bizare Bazaar. Both requests were approved.

Lastly, the council heard a request for an extension of water services. The request would require the city to run the new water line under Country Club Road to connect to existing lines. The resident that requested the extension, according to Oliver, has agreed to pay for all costs associated for providing the service, as well as agreeing to have their property annexed. The council voted to grant the request.

After this, the meeting was adjourned. There will also be another public participation meeting regarding the city’s comprehensive plan this Thursday, September 26, at 6:00 PM. The meeting will be held at the new Public Safety training facility, located on West Street.