Supports Major Landrum

Published 5:21 pm Friday, September 9, 2011

Dear Editor,

Isaiah 1:18 states, in part, “Come let us reason together…”

Even though that verse is speaking of spiritual matters, reasoning together is desirable in all situations. Due to the present economic conditions nationwide, it does not seem reasonable to me to spend taxpayers’ money unreasonably. Therefore, I find it difficult to understand why it was thought reasonable to go out of our community to seek a new Director of Public Safety, especially since there is a man with the education and 39 years of experience who has many times proven himself worthy of his hire.

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Because of the relationship I have with Major Walter Landrum — I love him like a son — one might think I am prejudiced, but not so. Love has never made me blind or shortsighted or incapable of being reasonable in my diligent consideration of anything. Here is a man who I know very personally who has a big and compassionate heart. Through the years many people have told me how much they appreciate him and the manner in which he dealt with their teenagers.

Anyone who is in a position of authority is never liked by everyone, but here is a man who is trusted and has a compatible working relationship with his fellow employees. He knows them personally and understands their needs. He also is trusted in the community.

I feel great sympathy for this stranger coming among us who will have a hard “row to hoe.” He needs our prayers, and knowing the Major as I do, he will assist him in every way he can.


Thelma H. Harrison
