Tragically, not unusual

Published 2:58 pm Friday, June 25, 2010

The case of seven dogs who were reportedly found starving and chained in a wooded area is, tragically, not unusual.

Many dogs who are kept constantly chained are terribly neglected, deprived of adequate food and clean water and left to endure all weather extremes and slowly go mad from lack of exercise, boredom and loneliness.

Chained dogs are also in danger of becoming entangled in their chains, hanging themselves, being attacked by other animals, or being abused by cruel passersby.

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Let’s hope that the person responsible for these dogs is given a strict sentence, including a ban on contact with animals and counseling.

Mental-health professionals and top law-enforcement officials consider the blatant disregard for life and desensitization to suffering evidenced by animal neglect to be a red flag. While not everyone who neglects an animal will do the same to a human—such as a child—there are many cases in which this has happened.

Most areas require people to provide their animals with adequate food, water and shelter.

If you see an animal going without these necessities, please notify authorities immediately—your call could save a life.

If your dog is chained, please take your dog inside so he or she can be part of your family. To learn more, visit


Martin Mersereau, directorEmergency response teamCruelty Investigations DepartmentPeople for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)