Graduation moves back to Centennial Field
Published 7:45 pm Tuesday, March 2, 2010
During a special called meeting of the Decatur County Board of Education Monday night, the decision was made to move the 2010 Bainbridge High School graduation back to Centennial Field.
The event will be held on Friday, May 21.
During the public participation period, Doris Cosby urged the board to not reverse their original decision to hold the ceremony at the school gymnasium. By changing the decision, the board would “lose your credibility,” according to Cosby.
“We have already agreed to use the gym and now we’re rehashing again, I don’t see the point. Why sit in the rain or the heat when you don’t have to?” said board member Winston Rollins.
Board chairman Sydney Cochran said, “I was misled during the first presentation when this question first arose and that’s why I voted the way I did before. For many of our students, this is the highlight of their school career, and we need to do what they want to do.”
Board member Bobby Barber said that while he personally thought having the ceremony at the gym would be more dignified and professional, the overwhelming sentiment of the community was in favor of moving the event back to Centennial Field.
“We were elected to do the will of the people, and the will of the people is to move it back,” Barber said.
A motion to hold the 2010 graduation ceremony at the football field was made by Cochran and seconded by Barber.
Barber, Cochran, Randall Jones and Jacky Grubbs voted to for the motion, while Rollins and Clarissa Kendrick voted against the motion.