Scholarships help BC students
Published 7:54 am Friday, December 16, 2011
BC Communications Specialist
The scholarships Bainbridge College student Meghan Vickers received not only expanded her educational opportunities, but they have also expanded her world, the BC sophomore told Foundation members during their recent annual meeting.
Because of the scholarships — the Jenna Miley and the Oaks Academy scholarships last year, and the Climax Community Club Scholarship earlier this year — Vickers said she has been able to succeed at Bainbridge College. She also said those scholarships enabled her to explore the world, emphasizing how they not only assisted with her educational needs but also broadened her horizons.
“The Bainbridge College scholarships allowed me to travel to London, England, where I was able to study and immerse myself in the culture of the British people,” Vickers said. “The importance of the scholarships is immense. They have allowed me to further my education, and in turn, will further prepare me for life outside of college.”
During the past spring’s Honors Night, Vickers received the BC President’s Student Award as the top female sophomore, and she was recognized for being one of the first two award winners for BC’s Outstanding International Education Students. She was also selected from among more than 200 students in the University System of Georgia for the Charlie Crouch Award for Outstanding Study Abroad student.
Vickers told the Foundation members that the scholarships allow all students the opportunity to reach their goals, regardless of socioeconomic status.
“Most people, like me, are proud to receive scholarships of any amount because even the smallest amount helps, especially in these hard economic times,” she said.
Foundation member Dewey Robinson followed Vickers, explaining the impact the scholarships afford students, and then explained that the beginnings of scholarships could also be quite affordable.
Although most of the scholarships in the Foundation’s $750,000 portfolio are in the $10,000 range, Robinson urged Foundation members to consider starting a scholarship with perhaps as little as $500 or even less.
“You may not be able to give a complete scholarship at one time, but maybe you would like to start a scholarship, or maybe you would like to kick off a scholarship in somebody’s name or somebody you would like to honor who has given a better life for you,” Robinson said. “You don’t have to give it all at one time. Maybe you would like to kick off a scholarship. Maybe you would like to give $500 and then add to it.”
Robinson enumerated the Bainbridge College scholarships awarded for the first time on Honors Night held May 5. They are the following:
• Alton B. and Glenn Dora Cromer Scholarships, $1,000.
• Tom Wilkerson Scholarships, two $500 scholarships totaling $1,000.
• Coppinger Powell Santoro Scholarship, $500.
• Col. Hector E. Dueno Veterans Scholarship, two $500 scholarships totaling $1,000.
• James H. and Ruby A. Smith Scholarship, $1,000.
• Whittington-Wilkerson Scholarship, $500.
• Ponder Brothers Scholarship, $1,000.
The scholarships established after Honors Night and announced at the annual meeting are the following.
• The Betty White Scholarship is in memory of Betty White, and was established by her son, Ben White, a Bainbridge College instructor of computer information, and his wife, Lisa Reeves, who works as an administrative assistant for the college’s Continuing Education Division.
• The President Richard Carvajal Scholarship, established by Dr. Gerald Williamson to commemorate Dr. Carvajal’s inauguration. It will initially be a $500 annual award.
• A Circle K Scholarship established by BC’s Circle K International Club, a Kiwanis Club student group. It will be a $500 annual award.
• The Barbara Snipes Scholarship.