Low-income energy assistance coming
Published 6:58 am Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Georgia’s regular Energy Assistance Program will open Nov. 1 for homebound and elderly households, age 65 or over. Households with individuals who have life-threatening medical conditions and who are in danger of imminent cut-off of heating source, may apply for financial assistance to help defray home heating costs. Eligible households must have an income equal to or less than 60 percent of Georgia’s state median income guidelines. Applicants should have proof of income for all household members for the last 30 days, and Social Security cards of all household members and their most recent utility or fuel bill. Those whose fuel costs are included in the rent are ineligible. Those interested in applying should call the Decatur County Neighborhood Service Center at 246-3119 to have their names placed on the list. If funds are available, the program will open to the general public on Dec. 1.