Jim Smith, Author at The Post-Searchlight - Page 5 of 7


Enjoying the vine on Sunday

When we arrived in Bainbridge in 1991, my first shopping excursion was to the former Food Lion for some groceries. It was Sunday, and going ... Read more

by Jim Smith, Friday, January 28, 2011 5:07 pm

Jim Smith

Putting a little Spike in your life

Last week in this space, we discussed the topic of how to talk to old people. This week, the theme is “How to listen to ... Read more

by Jim Smith, Friday, January 21, 2011 1:26 pm

Jim Smith

How to speak to old folks

Last week, it was heart check-up time. My Tallahassee cardiologist scheduled a stress test at one of the large medical centers. They said, “bring a ... Read more

by Jim Smith, Friday, January 14, 2011 8:43 pm

Jim Smith

Thinking the unthinkable

This week’s epistle may set off some sparks. It’s really meant to promote thinking about an issue critically vital to our community. As well as ... Read more

by Jim Smith, Friday, January 7, 2011 2:20 pm


Smallwood to discuss Attapulgus history

Fredrick Smallwood will discuss the history of his hometown, Attapulgus, when the Decatur County Historical and Genealogical Society meets Monday, Jan. 10. The event at ... Read more

by Jim Smith, Thursday, January 6, 2011 11:31 am

Jim Smith

Our liberties compromised

Several years ago, motoring along Scott Street, I observed a police cruiser in my rear view mirror. Stopping at a retail outlet, the cruiser was ... Read more

by Jim Smith, Friday, December 31, 2010 10:56 am

Jim Smith

When Christmas was white

Well you have done it again. You have survived the journey to Christmas Day 2010. You are now celebrating this day with family and friends. ... Read more

by Jim Smith, Friday, December 24, 2010 7:21 am

Jim Smith

An astonishing shopping statistic

There was an astonishing statistic in Wednesday’s Post-Searchlight that should be worrisome to those of us in business. It was the question of the week, ... Read more

by Jim Smith, Friday, December 17, 2010 2:45 pm

Jim Smith

Placing Christ in Christmas

NOTE: Back by popular demand, this Christmas message was published last year in this space in the Post Searchlight. We have had many requests to ... Read more

by Jim Smith, Monday, December 13, 2010 6:32 am

Jim Smith

The flying lawbook

One would never consider a book a lethal weapon. Yet, if you have ever tried personally to send a book to a prison inmate, if ... Read more

by Jim Smith, Friday, December 3, 2010 2:13 pm

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