Dan Ponder

When is enough really enough?

When I was a kid, we would visit my paternal grandmother in her hometown of Monroe, Georgia.

Dan Ponder

In search of a good night’s sleep

Who amongst us has never had a time when they found it hard to get a good night’s ...

Dan Ponder

Kayaking in the wilderness

Kayak means “man’s boat” or “hunter’s boat” and were first built by natives of Alaska and other sub-arctic ...

Dan Ponder

Sharing old memories and making new ones

It is no secret to most who regularly read my column that my family has been celebrating holidays ...

Dan Ponder

Bridging the generations gap

I grew up in a multi-generational family. By that I mean, grandparents and even great-grandparents were always ...

Dan Ponder

Facebook dads

My Dad never heard of Facebook. My children were in college before I was ever aware ...

Dan Ponder

Memories larger than life

The small block had once been part of the downtown shopping area.  It was anchored on one end ...

Dan Ponder

Every summer has a story

It does not really matter what the calendar says, if you live in the Deep South you know ...


Doing what’s right, getting things done

Two events involving former leaders have put me in a somewhat reflective mood today regarding leadership in general ...

Dan Ponder

Visiting Cousins

I have six first cousins, with only one living in the south.   We all remain remarkably close ...

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