Dan Ponder

She’s one tough Mama

After a long, fun weekend in Atlanta over the Labor Day holiday, we were only 20 miles from ...

Dan Ponder

Forty years of friendship

The year was 1972 and it was time of promise for me and for the country. The Vietnam ...


What’s the most dangerous thing on the road?

I have done plenty of stupid and dangerous things in my life. I crossed the Gulf of Mexico ...

Dan Ponder

Life is good, when we think it’s good

After a couple of weeks of serious articles about politics and guns, I wanted to write about some ...

Dan Ponder

Dear candidates, yes, we can handle the truth!

A great movie is often made memorable by one line in one scene that keeps the public aware ...


Random thoughts for the week

One of my new newspaper friends that has been in the business for decades told me that occasionally ...


Do I have the right to an assault rifle?

“A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people ...

Dan Ponder

Sometimes it’s fun to ‘play barefoot’ in church

I made it to church this past Sunday, barely 20 minutes before the service was to begin. I ...

Dan Ponder

You’re always on the path to building a better paper

For the first time ever, the Press Associations of Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana met in a ...


How are your resolutions coming along?

My brother and I agreed long ago that we had plenty of good ideas for running our business. ...

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