
4-H takes part in the Cotton Boll and Consumer Judging Contest

Decatur County 4-H’ers participated in the Cotton Boll and Consumer Judging Southwest District area contest in Tifton, Georgia ...


Scholarship established at BHS to honor Linda G. McCullers

To honor over three decades of a dedicated professional career and generous supporter of other small businesses in ...


BHS FFA speaks on National Convention at Chamber Connect

Bainbridge High School FFA members recently traveled to Indianapolis for the 94th Annual National FFA Convention. There, they ...


GaDOE names Office of Rural Education and Innovation after Dr. Butch Mosely

The Georgia Department of Education’s new office to support rural schools and districts will now be known as ...


BHS One-Act places second at Region Competition

Bainbridge High School’s One-Act team competed in the One-Act regional competition over the weekend, where they placed 2nd ...


Decatur County 4-H exhibitors excel at Parker Classic

Decatur County 4-H swine show-team members participated in the 2021 Parker Classic on September 25, 2021 held in ...


Decatur County Middle and High School Bands receive grant

The purpose of the Decatur County Schools Foundation grant is to fund projects that will create a climate ...


Lynn Siblings win Grand Champion at Regional Livestock Shows

The brother sister duo of Preston Lynn and Maci Lynn were recently named champions at the 2021 Final ...


Benjamin Day of Bainbridge selected as a Mercer University School of Medicine Nathan Deal Scholar

Benjamin Day (Class of 2024) was recently selected as a Mercer University School of Medicine (MUSM) Nathan Deal ...


Corbin Austin gives Extension address

The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Leadership Team was excited to welcome Decatur County 4-H graduate, Corbin Austin, ...

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