
Local students excel at homeschool science fair

Gynelle Cooper, 13, won the seventh-grade science fair on Tuesday, February 5 at the Bainbridge Community of Classical ...


BHS FFA updates public on recent local events in chapter

Greetings from the Bainbridge FFA Chapter and agriculture education department! We have had an extremely busy few months!


Workshops to help students apply for scholarships coming to Bainbridge

Marianne Ragins, winner of more than $400,000 in scholarship money, author of “Winning Scholarships for College” and president ...


Decatur County 4-H’ers attend Project Achievement competition

Decatur County 4-H’ers distinguished themselves at Rock Eagle on February 8-10, 2019.


Southern Regional Technical College reaches new record for spring enrollment

On the morning of Wednesday, January 29, Southern Regional Technical College (SRTC) announced it had achieved record student ...


West Bainbridge Elementary School’s first semester honor roll

Semester “A” Honor Roll First Grade: Aguayo-Delgado, Samantha; Boozer, Kailyn; Bridges, Andrew; Burr, Jordyn; Cannon, Connie; Earp, Jaxon; ...


New Georgia dual enrollment bill clears the senate

A bill restricting student dual enrollment in high school and college classes in Georgia cleared the Senate floor ...


Thomas University recognizes Decatur County students for academic success

The following full-time undergraduate students at Thomas University are recognized for achieving academic success during the Fall Semester ...


Farm Bureau seeks entries for middle school essay contest

It’s difficult to imagine what our lives would be without natural resources such as soil, water, trees or ...


BPS visits JJE, gives out gloves

On Friday afternoon, December 13, Officer Lakatie Reels made a surprise stop at John Johnson Elementary to pass ...

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