
Moye to join Burke and Robinson

Drs. Dean Burke and Don Robinson of Burke and Robinson, M.D., P.C., in Bainbridge announced the association of ...

Health and Fitness

The joy of giving

Sally (Charlie Brown’s sister) says that Christmas is the time for getting and to get as much as ...

Health and Fitness

Georgia leads nation in flu activity

Southwest Health District’s disease trackers say the unusual amount of influenza activity in Georgia so early in the ...

Health and Fitness

He’s lost his mind

Either he’s lost his mind or he hasn’t found it yet. How can she be so smart—straight A’s, ...

Health and Fitness

Grace to survive

Tony and Shauna had been married for almost 15 years when he suffered a stroke, which resulted in ...

Health and Fitness

Facts about chiropractic care

By LANDIN MARZOLF Care Chiropractic Center October is National Chiropractic Awareness Month and is an excellent time for ...

Health and Fitness

Get tested for sickle cell trait

Couples in high-risk groups for sickle cell diseases can make better-informed long-range decisions by learning their genetic makeup ...

Health and Fitness

Seasonal flu vaccine has arrived

The wait is over—the seasonal flu vaccine has arrived in county health departments throughout Southwest Health District and ...

Health and Fitness

Men who need a gynecologist

You may think it a strange subject that I have chosen to write about this time.

Health and Fitness

West Nile Virus season starting early

Last year the pandemic H1N1 virus dominated the news, but this year Georgia has already seen a human ...

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