Howard Tillery

Jesus Christ is risen!

Scripture: Luke 24:1-36 Aim: To present to the student some facts concerning the resurrection of Jesus Christ from ...

Howard Tillery

Jesus enters Jerusalem

Scripture: Mark 11:1-11 Aim: To present Jesus’ triumphant entrance into Jerusalem before His crucifixion. Golden Text: “Blessed is ...

Howard Tillery

Serve faithfully, without partiality

Scripture: I Timothy 5:1-8, 17-22 Aim: To give pastoral instruction regarding relationships with various individuals in the church. ...


Preparing for leadership

Scripture: I Timothy 4:1-16 Aim: To give some basic elements that should be present in those who are ...

Howard Tillery

Coming of the son of man

Scripture: Mark 13:5-27 Aim: To help the pupil understand that Jesus is coming for His church, and after ...

Howard Tillery

Faithful service is required

Scripture: Mark 10:31-35 Aim: To help us understand that God’s plan must be followed as He wills. Jesus ...

Howard Tillery

Christ is transfigured

Scripture: Mark 9:2-13 Aim: To help the pupil understand that Jesus Christ is both God and Man. Golden ...

Howard Tillery

Life of Christ told by Isaiah

Scripture: Isaiah 53 Aim: To give the pupil a simple view of Isaiah’s prophecy of the coming of ...

Howard Tillery

God’s servant’s mission to the world

Scripture: Isaiah 49:1-7 Aim: To remind the pupil that God has chosen to offer salvation through Christ to ...

Howard Tillery

Reassurance for God’s people

Scripture: Isaiah 48:12-22 Aim: To reassure Israel that God is with them. To emphasize that God forgives and ...

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