
Are you willing to become great?

One of the highlights of the year for us is the annual pig show. 

James Scarborough

Grumble less, trust God more

I might be thought strange in more than one aspect of my daily routine.

James Scarborough

Who’s helping who?

Raegan is two years old and eager to learn.

James Scarborough

Things were going well, until…

Sometimes it does the body and mind good to have a change of scenery for a few days, ...


I thought I had a good plan!

As we started on a journey to Mulberry, Florida some years ago, I thought I had all the ...

James Scarborough

Just take a little walk

Like everyone else, I have made a few decisions in life that I probably should have thought through ...


Don’t forget the old paths

We returned from our Christmas visit to north Georgia with lots of memories lingering in our hearts.

James Scarborough

So simple, so valuable

Christmas was a wonderful day for Gale and I.

James Scarborough

Reflecting on the past, reaching for the future

Several years ago when I was a student in the Clinical Pastor Education program at Tallahassee Memorial Hospital, ...

James Scarborough

Christmas, it’s about Christ’s presence

I am looking forward to staying close to home for Christmas to enjoy time with my wife, children and ...

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