
Incident Reports & Arrests July 6-8

Bainbridge Public Safety Incident Reports Remove/falsify identifying number with intent to conceal vehicle identity, driving without license reported ...


Incident Reports & Arrests July 2-5

Bainbridge Public Safety Incident Reports Harassing communications reported on the 900 block of Bethel Rd. Person not breathing ...


Incident Reports & Arrests June 29-July 1

Bainbridge Public Safety Incident Reports Theft by taking reported on the 1100 block of Lake Dr. Welfare check ...


Incident Reports & Arrests June 25-28

Bainbridge Public Safety Incident Reports Hit and run reported at the intersection of Decatur St. & West St. ...


Incident Reports & Arrests June 22-24

Bainbridge Public Safety Incident Reports Burglary reported on the 200 block of Faceville Hwy. Burglary reported on the ...


Incident Reports & Arrests June 18-21

Bainbridge Public Safety Incident Reports Hit and run reported on the 1600 block of Pine St. Affray, criminal ...


Incident Reports & Arrests June 15-17

Bainbridge Public Safety Incident Reports Trespassing reported on the 500 block of E. Alice St. Criminal trespass reported ...


Incident Reports & Arrests June 11-14

Bainbridge Public Safety Incident Reports Entering auto reported on the 1700 block of Bethel Rd. Battery reported on ...


Incident Reports & Arrests June 8-10

Bainbridge Public Safety Incident Reports Theft by shoplifting reported on the 500 block of E. Alice St. Forgery ...


Incident Reports & Arrests June 3-7

Bainbridge Public Safety Incident Reports Criminal trespass reported on the 1100 block of Lake Dr. Road hazard reported ...

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