Advertise with us

The Post-Searchlight welcomes all businesses, organizations, churches, and others to advertise with us. We offer ad space for everyone in our paper and on our website.

We have many advertising packages and options available. Please contact us about those packages, and if there isn’t one that seems to fit your criteria, then we will design a package for you.

We also have many other options that will become available in the future, so be sure to check back on this page for up to date advertising packages and deals.

Circulation Information

5,500 homes each Wednesday and Saturday morning in Decatur County and Southwest Georgia receive The Post-Searchlight. The Extra, a carrier-delivered TMC product is delivered to an additional 6,000 homes each Wednesday.

Website Information

The Post-Searchlight receives many visits on our websites every month. Please look at the stats below:

  • 30,000+ Unique Visitors Per Month
  • 145,000+ Page Views Per Month
  • 4+ Pages/Visit

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