City renovates main water tank


Executive Director,

Bainbridge Convention and Visitors Bureau

Citizens who have driven along the bypass this week may have seen some interesting activity on the city’s main water tank.

Wyatt Tank, Inc., a subcontractor for U.S. Tank, has been renovating the tank, which includes sandblasting, priming and painting both the inside and outside. Earlier this year, the same company washed out the city’s other tanks on Martin Luther King Jr. Street, Independent Street and Airport Road.

“This renovation is something that was definitely needed,” said Bo Ladner, the city’s Utilities Director. “Right now, we don’t have a maintenance plan for our tanks, but we hope that what we’ve done this year will be the beginning of one.”

A maintenance plan would include an outside company being responsible for the tanks for 10-15 years and would involve regular washouts and maintenance of all of the tanks. Currently, the city is responsible for the maintenance of the tanks.

“Companies that do this sort of thing do it every day and have training and equipment that we do not,” Ladner said.

The city’s main tank, located on Alice Street near Centennial Field, holds 500,000 gallons of water. To view the city’s annual water quality report or to find out more about water services within the city, visit

